At this point, the only things that have any hope of getting to folks in time for Christmas are the Steins of Science that I currently have on hand and the BBotE production runs due to complete by Tuesday. There’s a few batches of Ethiopia and Kona slated to finish on Wednesday, but unless you live near a major metropolitan area of the continental US, the odds of something I ship priority mail on Thursday getting to you on Xmas Eve are slim.
Of course, there’s always express mail if you want to live dangerously and expensively. Sorry international folks, your last minute was last Saturday.
So, as I’ve been asked, what’s still on hand? The current Stein selection is here. There’s a handful of BBotE Sampler Sets, both I & II. There’s a few bottles of Death Wish, Rwanda, and Colombia. There is roughly 6L of Kona, 4L of Ethiopia, 1.5L of Sumatra, 1L of Malabar, and 1L of Kenya on hand that could be divvied in any number of bottle sizes, but if someone pounces on that last bit before you do, you probably get to wait until 2012.
Why would you have to wait? Because shipping in the week between Christmas and New Year’s in the US is a damn near lost cause. I may try to make a bit and get some BBotE to help people party through the night on New Year’s Eve, but the postal service may be a bit challenging.
It’s been fun, but this roller coaster is almost at an end for 2011. Please keep your hands and feet inside the ride until it comes to a complete stop.

See you in 2012.