I give you the creations of Fake Science. One need not be a scientist, drunk, or hep’d up on caffeine to enjoy. In particular, Electrolytes. They are what plants crave:
Category Archives: All News
The Joy Of The Barter Economy
A chance to parlay your own wares into sweet, sweet caffeination and/or cold beer.
A Moment To Say Thank You
Herr Direktor Funranium has some love to share.
A Fireside Chat, With Herr Direktor Funranium
Herr Direktor Funranium takes the time to answer some questions from you, The Public.
Oktoberfest Coupon
A coupon good until the 4th of October to help you with your Scientific Drinking needs.
People Playing With Their Steins Of Science
Steins of Science…In Action! Words, plus a of video misapplied scientific apparatus and a photo of a dang shiny stein.
Funranium Labs, Iteration 4
Some gushing for the newly upgraded website.
Not To Cause Alarm Or Anything…
A not so subtle reminder about the approaching beer-y holidays.
Some Thoughts On Australian Beers And “Pubs”
Now that I am once more awash in BBotE to share with the world, I have the time to collect some travel related thoughts before they fall out of my brain completely. It is a bit early in the morning to maintain my usual standards of insobriety, so you’ll have to excuse that and be …
Continue reading “Some Thoughts On Australian Beers And “Pubs””
The “Playa Grade” Stein Of Science
Opening browser when I should be getting ready for bed…check.
Credit card smoking slightly from purchase for experimental purposes…check.
Pint glass full of cocktail…very check.
Alright let’s do this.
A Caffeine Clarification
In response to an urgent missive that asked if I was adding an extra caffeine to BBotE (or, perhaps, massive quantities of speed) I must answer with a most emphatic “No”. He took a 50ml belt around 10pm before heading out the clubs, was still dancing long after the bar closed and, after willing himself …
More Awesome For The Entire World
My time in Australia and New Zealand taught me several important lessons: 1) Winter is the best time to visit the antipodes. Most of the unpleasant wildlife is hiding from the elements. Humans, luckily, have mastered pants technology and can cope with inclement weather. Sadly, winter does limit the scantily clad on display. Take the …
Herr Dirketor Funranium, Down Under (100% Paul Hogan Free Content)
The quote of the trip so far: “I think that in the depth of winter, Australians have forgotten what summer is like and what it does to beer. This thing is brilliant. How many thousand have you sold to Queensland?”
Answer: None…yet.
Vacation – The Sad Truth
Now in the homestretch before the redeye flight to Sydney on Tuesday. All of you in America who placed orders for BBotE last Thursday will have your precious braingojuice shipping on Monday and in your hot little hands by Wednesday. As for you lucky Australians, assuming Oz Customs does not declare me to be a …
Coming Down To The Wire
Ordering for BBotE will be turned off this evening at 10pm PST. For you people who like to wait until the last minute, I have one 1000ml FMJ and one 350ml FMJ Stein of Science on hand. Grab them now if you want them, otherwise they go in my luggage to Australia & New Zealand. …