A few things from parts of the internets that have not been wheelclamped (I’m sorry about sharing that video, it won’t leave my mind): First, I have been sent this chat exchange from IRC regarding a new Test Subject’s first experience with BBotE. It is posted here with their permission though handles have been changed …
Category Archives: All News
Culinary Delights
Test Subjects Mortician & Porn IT engaged in a very special adventure a while back called the Bacation. Rather than spend hard earned money traveling to exotic locales, they instead stayed at home, watched terrible movies, and ploughed that money into as much bacon related food as the possibly could. Their Bacation yielded two wonders …
More Bits For A Wet Friday
First off, the Stein #200 Surprise is nearly upon us. Current production count is #199. Won’t be long now. Second, Pinguino from DeviantArt very kindly created this instructional graphic. I have taken the opportunity to consolidate several preparations and cocktails into one place. If you have a favorite mix/cocktail you’d like to me to put …
Bits, Bobs, and Links
Herr Direktor Funranium goes for the “Potpourri” category on Jeopardy every time.
Post-Tsunami Japanese Reactor Problems
While I like to keep my discussions here coffee, beer, and historical science related some things just can’t be ignored especially when people keep poking me for answers. So, I have some thoughts that are quite lacking in insobriety. First, I am not a nuclear engineer, contrary to how more than a few people have …
An Important “Shiny Brass” Style Stein Field Modification
More field modifications and Steinwielder Brad has found a lid that actually fits the bare glass steins!
Some Comic Love
Herr Direktor Funranium awoke to this bit of amusement awaiting him.
Another Stein Of Science Field Modification
Steinwielder Pulliam has made a modification to his stein that gives hope to all mankind.
Herr Direktor Funranium shares a brief history of the Goiania Radiological Accident and some thoughts about hazard communication.
Put To The Question
Herr Direktor Funranium does his best to answer the latest round of questions, cocktail at the ready.
The Resurrected “Origins of Funranium”
The long absent “Origins of Funranium” post from the Iteration I website returns.
Testing Dispatches: College Station, TX
A rather extended BBotE QOTD, if you will. Test Subject Jason in Texas has shared the results of experimenting on his co-workers. I applaud this kind of Citizen Science.
Scientific Drinking Tour 2011, Further Updates
Updated travel itinerary. Las Vegas and Fairbanks, you’ve got me for sure.
Approaching Stein #200
Herr Direktor Funranium has an offer you can’t refuse. Well, you could, but it would be silly.
Antarctic Lifestyle Challenge
Herr Direktor Funranium issues a challenge for you to assess what is important in your life.