Because Peter Clines is a wonderful person and sent me the Penguin Readers edition of the movie adaptation of se7en, I feel obligated to complete the activates section at the back. We still owe Peter a visit to a town called SHAME in our next Extra Life play.

1a) Vanity
1b) Sloth
1c) Greed
1d) Lust
1e) Gluttony
1f) Wrath
1e) Envy
2a) Homicide
2b) Fingerprints, Victim, Evidence
2c) Retired, Precinct
3a) Detective Somerset lives alone.
3b) Detective Somerset
3c) Detective Mills wants to work the fat man case.
I’m sure they all recant their sin and live happily ever after with lives PLEASING TO THE LORD. I think Mr. Clines is a great teacher for assigning the class this uplifting book about the triumph of the human spirit!
[runs out of the classroom to start vacation]