There are some truly dedicated souls out there with a dedication to deliciousness and caffeination that is above and beyond the call of duty. The volunteered themselves for experimentation, made a good case for why they should ascend the lofty Ziggurat of Pimpery and sit in judgment over their respective domains, choosing who should and who should not gain Black Blood of the Earth from their hands. To the ranks of Portland, OR, Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, and Detroit we now add Madison, WI, Chicago, and New York City.
Serving Madison, with occasional service to Milwaukee, is Greg. You may contact him via email WisconsinBBotE [at] gmail [dot] com. You may want to move fast as you’ll have to get bottles from him before he consumes it all himself.
For the Greater Chicago Area, I present you with Senor Weiss. He displays all the depraved caffeine consumption I expect from someone who used to dwell behind Super Sekrit Fences like me. You may contact him via email BBotE [at] billweiss [dot] net.
In New York City, you have inherited an acolyte of the Pimpstress of Greater Los Angeles, the lovely Ms. Wish. Wish may be contacted via email NYCBBotE [at] gmail [dot] com.
Go forth and deplete their supplies! Madison is currently armed with BBotE, NYC & Chicago’s arrive on Wednesday. If, perchance, they do not have the specific BBotE you desire, well, you may always place an order directly here. If you can wait a bit, let them know what you want and it will go into the next shipment that heads their way.