As I head back to California from the darkest wilds of Penn Yan, NY it is time to get balls rolling again. Won’t be an adventure report for a bit yet but it I should share the things that are coming back into stock:
665ml “Rugged” Style Steins of Science – I made some folks sad a couple months ago when I absolutely could not more of the rugged style dewars to build with. Well, I’ve got six more finally. Folks obviously figured this out with their psychic powers because I was going to say I had eight on hand except…*POOF*…now I have six.
750ml Death Wish Black Blood of the Earth – One of my first priorities after getting home is going to be getting some Death Wish BBotE back in the pipeline. There were some folks upset that they never got a shot at those first experimental bottles. Well, a few more are going up. Get ’em while you can, the last lot was gone within 30 minutes.
Happy news of Pimpery – Sometime in the next few weeks the Pimp of Madison and Pimpstress of NYC will receive their inaugural cases. The Pimpstress of PDX should receive resupply somewhere in there too. The Pimp of Santa Barbara is currently out but he would not be surprised if he got a jab in the ribs by the needy.

Again, no tales of adventure here, but have a picture of yours truly reflected in the a copy of the record currently hurtling out of the solar system aboard Voyager. Every time I think of that record, I miss Carl Sagan.