As a reminder the domestic US “BBotE by Xmas” order cut-off is today, 12/18. After today it becomes iffy whether things will show up in time.
Test Subject Wakey has performed a fantastic act of bribery in her return of a BBotE bottle for refill. In addition to the bottle, she also included this handmade trivet and a matching Bag of Holding (a Minor Wondrous Item, minimum 2500gp from your local reputable & licensed magical items merchant, per the D&D 3rd Edition DM Guide). She has exercised the Barter Option to excellent effect (similar to Test Subject Brody’s “alchemy“). It was also rather timely as I had just that day fired one of my trivets for becoming unusable.
So, thank you Wakey and a shout out to you at Chibi Stitches. Enjoy your Panama refill and the increased honor on your bottle.